Madigan says I am a liar and deny that I have PTSD

I am a 19 year Veteran. I was deployed as a combat engineer to Iraq in 2004-2005. Eight (8) Doctors including the Veterans Administration (VA) have diagnosed me with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). However, the army doctors at Madigan Hospital, Fort Lewis, Dr. Diana Repke and Captain Julie Welch called me a "malingerer" and diagnosed me with Factitious Disorder. They even reported I did not have a combat action badge, which I was wearing per orders I received by the Governor. Dr. Repke and Capt. Welch interviewed people who did not know me, (Captain Robert Coleman, Physicans Assistant), who made recommendations to the doctors that I was lying based on the fact that my wife who is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker was advocating for my mental health care when I was not able to. They even interviewed a soldier who was not in Iraq during the time my plutoon was hit and we sustained casualties. They never talked to my current psychologist of two years who I see on a weekly, sometimes more, basis or any soldiers who were in my plutoon with me in Iraq. They never utilized the reports from the 8 doctors that were in my file nor considered all of the statements of fact on my behalf. Because they are denying my diagnosis of PTSD, amidst 8 doctors supporting that I have combat PTSD, I have had to make the choice to leave the military rather than risk more harm to my mental health. Madigan Hospital reported I was Fit For Duty with No restrictions even though my current Psychologist reports that if I am to be deployed or even in combat simulated training, I am at risk of mental health decompensation to the point I could harm myself (commit suicide) or harm others due to not being able to act in combat situations which require full use of self. Because I am considered Fit For Duty, and the Doctors at Madigan are calling me a liar about my PTSD, on November 24, I will be discharged, lose my retirement, as well as my dual status Federal Technician full time job, and be unemployed. After 19 years of service, I must leave the military because recovering from my PTSD is a priority. The Doctors at Madigan refuse to acknowledge this, instead, they are maintaining that I am a liar and that I never experienced trauma while serving our country in Iraq. These doctors are denying me the respect that I deserve for serving my country as well as continuing the cycle of denying soldiers the treatment they should be receiving for PTSD. I have pasted several press releases about my story below as I want the world to know what the army is doing to our veterans and want the world to know that Doctors at Madigan Hospital are refusing to acknowledge the severity of PTSD or that it exists in veterans such as myself. The army must be held accountable for denying veterans who have served our country loyally from receiving the benefits and the care they deserve.

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